Bài giảng môn Tiếng anh Lớp 5 - Unit 17, Lesson 1: What would you like to eat?

  1. Objectives:
  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answer questions about what someone would like to eat or drink.
  • Develop speaking and listening skill.
  1. Languages contents:
  • Vocabulary: biscuit, packet, bar, glass,carton, bowl 
  • Structures: What would you like to eat/drink?

I’d like ………, please

  1. Teaching methods:
  • Communicative approach.
  • Techniques:

+ Ask and answer (say individually)

+ Work in pairs/ groups.

+ Discuss.

  1. Teaching aids:
  • Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, word cards, pictures, tape, cassette, puppets.
  • Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks.
  1. Time: 35 minutes
doc 2 trang lananh 04/03/2023 2100
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng môn Tiếng anh Lớp 5 - Unit 17, Lesson 1: What would you like to eat?

  1. Preparing date: Week: . Period: Teaching date: UNIT 17: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO EAT? Lesson 1 (1,2,3) I. Objectives: - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answer questions about what someone would like to eat or drink. - Develop speaking and listening skill. II. Languages contents: - Vocabulary: biscuit, packet, bar, glass,carton, bowl - Structures: What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like , please III. Teaching methods: - Communicative approach. - Techniques: + Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups. + Discuss. IV. Teaching aids: - Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, word cards, pictures, tape, cassette, puppets. - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks. V. Time: 35 minutes VI. Procedures: T CONTENTS TEACHER’S SS’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES 3’ * Warm up : - Play game. - introduces the game. - play the game. - asks Ss how to play. I. PRESENTEATION: - introduces the new lesson. - listen. 5’ * Pre-teach vocabulary - elicits, model the new - repeat chorally . New words: words and individually. - packet: gói - asks Ss to repeat. - bar: thanh, thỏi - writes the new words on the - glass: ly boards, checks meaning. - carton: hộp - bowl: tô