Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 1- Unit 13: In the school canteen

I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 
- pronounce the sound of the letter N/n in isolation. 
- say the words Nick, nuts, noodles, bananas correctly.


II. INPUT Language: 
- Sound /n/ 
- Vocabulary: nuts, noodles, bananas



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  1. Week: Unit 13. In the school canteen Period: Lesson 1 I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - pronounce the sound of the letter N/n in isolation. - say the words Nick, nuts, noodles, bananas correctly. II. INPUT Language: - Sound /n/ - Vocabulary: nuts, noodles, bananas Resources/Material: - Student’s book p.57 - sachmem.vn - Flashcards for Unit 13 - Poster for Unit 13 - Teacher’s guide pp. 139-141 - Computer, projector III. PROCEDURE Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Point and say – Game – Homelink Procedure Teaching and learning activities Classroom management Warm-up 5 minutes - Have pupils greet and introduce themselves. Whole class Option 1: Have a few pairs of pupils read Phil and Sue, Page 54 (Student’s book) in front of the class. Option 2: Invite one group of pupils to play Kim’s game with the target vocabulary items they have learnt. - Have pupils open the books and look at Unit 13, Lesson 1 p.57, saying Open the books and look at Unit 3, Lesson 1 (Page 57). 1. Listen and repeat. 10 minutes Step 1: - Have pupils look at the picture describe it, saying Look at the picture Whole class and describe it, please! Step 2: - Draw pupils’ attention to the words next to the things/boy and the Individual work colour of the letter N/n (as mentioned in Input). Check comprehension. Step 3: - Ask pupils to point to the letter N/n. Have them listen and repeat the Individual work sound of the letter N/n, saying Point to the letter N/n, listen and repeat, please! more than once, if necessary.
  2. appropriate word, e.g. noodles, run the board and stick to the correct picture. If the word matches the picture, the group wins. The game continues with the other pictures. The game ends when all the pictures are gone. Step 3: - If time allows, have some groups play the game again. Group work - With a better class, when pupils become experts with the game, teacher Group work Extension: have them play Labelling with the words they have learnt (e.g. milk, apple, cake, bananas, mango, ). Homelink 3 minutes Option 1: - Pupils practise pronouncing the sound of the letter N/n and saying the Whole class words Nick, noodles, nuts and bananas (in Student’s books or sachmem). Option 2: - Pupils play Labelling with the words they have learnt or the game in Whole class sachmem. Option 3: - Pupils point to Poster for Unit 13 and say sentences with the structure: Whole class Nick’s having noodles. Nam’s having nuts. * Comment:
  3. in Input). Ask them to pay attention to the letter N/n and the words Nam and nuts. Check comprehension. Step 2: - Play the recording of the first verse for pupils to listen and to get Individual work familiarized with the tune, saying Listen to the fist line, please! Step 3: - Play the recording again, ask pupils to listen and repeat the first verse, Individual work line after line, saying Listen again and repeat, please! Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat until they feel confident, saying Listen and repeat, please! Step 4: - Follow the same procedure with the other verse. Show pupils how to chant and clap their hands. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. Individual work Step 5: - Play the recording all the way through. Ask pupils to listen and repeat the chant in pairs or groups, saying Listen to the recording and chant, please! Pair/group work Go around and offer help, if necessary. - Select some pupils to the front of the class to chant and clap their hands. Step 6: The rest of the class may sing along the chant and clap their hands. If they Whole class sang the chant well, praise them, saying Well done! - With better classes, encourage pupils change some lines of the chant and Pair/group work Extension: sing the chant in front of the class. E.g. N, n, nuts. Nam’s having nuts. N, n, noodles. Nam’s having noodles. N, n, banans. Nam’s having bananas. N, n, nuts. Nick’s having nuts. N, n, noodles. Nick’s having noodles. N, n, bananas. Nick’s having bananas. 4. Listen and tick. 7 minutes Step 1: - Have pupils look at the pictures, saying Look at the pictures, please! and Whole class say what they can see. Draw pupils’ attention to the boxes next to the letters a and b. Check comprehension. - Invite some pupils to point to the pictures in Question 1 and say the Step 2: words in front of the class, saying Point to the pictures and say the Individual work words, please! E.g. 1a: noodles, 1b: nuts. Then have them point to the pictures in Question 1 and say the sentences in front of the class, saying Point to the pictures and say the sentences, please! E.g. 1a: I can see noodles. 1b: I can see nuts. Step 3: - Play the recording of the first sentence for pupils to listen and tick the Individual work box. Say Listen to the sentence and tick the box, please! Step 4: - Follow the procedure with the second question. Play the recording Whole class
  4. Week: Unit 13. In the school canteen Period: Lesson 3 I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - use “He’s having ___. / She’s having___.” to talk about what someone is having/eating now/at the moment. - sing a song with the structures “There’s ___.” and “He’s having ___.” II. INPUT Language: Sentence patterns: There’s ___.” and “He’s having ___.” Resources/Material: - Student’s book p.59 - Poster for Unit 13 - sachmem.vn - Teacher’s guide pp. 144-146 - Computer, projector III. PROCEDURE Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Let’s talk – Let’s sing – Homelink Classroom Procedure Teaching and learning activities management Warm-up 7 minutes Option 1: Have a few pupil sing the chant, Page 58, in front of the Whole class class. Option 2: Invite one group of pupils to play Kim’s game with the target vocabulary items they have learnt. Option 3: Select point to the pictures in Listen and tick (p.58) and say sentences, e.g 1a: E.g. 1a: I like noodles. 1b: I like nuts. 2a: He’s having bananas, 2b: He’s having nuts. in front of the class. - Get pupils to open their books and look at Lesson 3 p.59 (saying Open the books and look at Lesson 3, please!). 6. Listen and repeat. 5 minutes Step 1: - Have pupils look at the picture, saying Look at the picture, please! Whole class Point to the boy, saying What is he doing? He’s having nuts. Point to the girl, saying What is the girl doing? She’s having noodles. Point to the sentences, saying He’s having nuts. She’s having noodles. Play the recording for pupils to listen. Step 2: - Get pupils to look at the sentence He’s having nuts, play the recording Individual work several times for them to listen and repeat. Say Now Listen and repeat, please! Correct pronunciation, if necessary. Step 3: - Follow the same procedure with the sentence: She’s having noodles.” Pair/ group work
  5. Step 4: - Let pupils practise singing the whole song. If there is time, ask some Pair/ group work pupils to sing the song individually, then in pairs or groups. Praise them when they performed well. Step 5: - Have the class sing the whole song and clap hands to reinforce the Whole class tune, the rhythm and the melody. Go around and offer help, if necessary Extenion: - With a better class, have pupils change some lines in the second verse of the lyrics and perform the song in front of the class. E.g. There’s Nam. There’s Nam. He’s having bananas. He’s having bananas today. There’s Lucy. There’s Lucy. She’s having noodles. She’s having noodles today. Homelink 3 minutes Option 1: - Pupils sing by heart the song on p.59. Whole class Option 2: - Pupils change some lines of the lyrics and practice singing the song Whole class at home. - Pupils do the project on Page 42 in Workbook. Option 3: Whole class * Comment: