Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 6 Folk Tales, Lesson 7: Looking back & Project

- The Tortoise and the Hare is a  fable.

- The starfruit tree is also a fable.

- Saint Giong is a legend.

- Chung Cakes, Day Cakes is a folk tale.

- Snow White and 7 Dwafts is a fairy tale.

pptx 21 trang lananh 17/03/2023 1520
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 6 Folk Tales, Lesson 7: Looking back & Project

  1. - The Tortoise and the Hare is a fable. - The starfruit tree is also a fable. - Saint Giong is a legend. - Chung Cakes, Day Cakes is a folk tale. - Snow White and 7 Dwafts is a fairy tale.
  2. witch kind
  3. Grammar: Past continuous tense
  4. 2. What does Mi’s family usually do on Sundays? They usually go to the cinema or go for a picnic together.
  5. Present what you have found out to the class.