Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 9 - Unit 8: Celebrations, Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and read

Although there are many celebrations throughout the year, Tet or the Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a festival which occurs in late  January or early February. It is a time for families to clean and decorate their homes, and enjoy special  food such as sticky rice cakes. Family members who live apart try to be together  at Tet.
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 9 - Unit 8: Celebrations, Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and read

  1. Teacher: Mai Thi Cam Ha
  2. * Watch the video and try to remember Rewrite some name of celebrations
  3. I.Presentation 1.New words: *New words: 1. -(to) occur = (to) happen: xảy ra 2. - parade (n): cuộc diễu hành 3. - slavery (ucn): sự nô lệ 4. - Passover (n): lễ quá Hải 5. - Jewish people: người Do Thái 6. - freedom (unc): sự tự do
  4. Although there are many celebrations throughout the year, Tet or the Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February. It is a time for families to clean and decorate their homes, and enjoy special food such as sticky rice cakes. Family members who live apart try to be together at Tet. Passover is in late March or early April. This festival is celebrated in Israel and by all Jewish people. On this festival, people celebrate freedom from slavery. Passover is also an ancient spring festival. On the first and second nights of Passover, Jewish families eat a special meal called the Seder Easter is a joyful festival which is celebrated in many countries. It happens at around the same time as Passover. On Easter Day ( Easter Sunday ), young children receive chocolate or sugar eggs – as long as they are good. In many countries, people crowd the streets to watch colorful parades.
  5. I.Presentation 1.New words: 2. Presentation: II. Practice 1. Complete the table: 2. Grammar:
  6. Choose A,B,C or D to complete sentences 1. Passover is celebrated in Israel by all people A. Jewish B. English C. Vietnamese D. America 2. I sit next to a boy is an intelligent student. A. whichSorry,B. what you’reC. who wrong!D. whom 3. Easter is a joyful festival is celebrated in many countries A. who B. Which C. when D. where 4. They their wedding last Sunday. A. celebrate B.to celebrate C. celebrating D. celebrated
  7. Lesson 3: WHAT WAS WRONG WITH YOU? (B4) *Mind map: Talk about the celebration late January or early February clean and decorate their home Tet sticky rice cake Vietnam Celebration late March or Passover early April eat a special meal called the Seder Jewish people Easter around the same time as Passover crowd the streets to watch colorful parades chocolate, sugar eggs many countries