Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 6 - Unit 11: What do you eat, Lesson 3: At a store

1. A bottle of cooking oil

2. Two kilos of rice

3. Half a kilo of beef

4. Half a dozen oranges

1. A bottle of cooking oil

2. Two kilos of rice

3. Half a kilo of beef

4. Half a dozen oranges

ppt 12 trang lananh 15/03/2023 1760
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 6 - Unit 11: What do you eat, Lesson 3: At a store

  1. Welcome to our class
  2. Friday, February 9th, 2018 Unit11: WHAT DO YOU EAT? Lesson3 : AT A STORE (A 3,4)
  3. Phuong Ly Mai Nam a b c d e Guess Answer key Name a b c d e Name a b c d e Phuong v v Phuong ✓ Ly v v Ly ✓ ✓ v v Mai Mai ✓ Nam v v Nam ✓
  4. Lesson 3: A3, 4 I.Pre-reading 1.New words: *New words: 1. - Half a kilo: Nửa kí lô 2. - Half a dozen: Nửa tá
  5. Lesson 3: A3, 4 I. Pre-reading 1.New words: Fill in the blanks with suitable words 2. Open prediction II.While-reading Nam’s mother wants Nam to go to 1.Write the the She .store(1) wants(2) a bottle of ,cooking(3) oil shopping list .oftwo kilos(4) rice, ofhalf(5) a kilo beef and 2. Practice half a dozen .oranges(6)
  6. - Learn new words by heart - Practice the dialogue - Prepare: B1,3,4