Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng anh 7 học kì 2


1. Tenses:   

            - Present simple:     * to be:                       S + is/am/are + ...

                                                * ordinary verbs:      S + V/ Vs/es + ...      

* Adverbs: everyday, every morning ..., always, usually, often, sometimes, never

- Present progressive:                               S + is/am/are + V-ing + ...

* Adverbs: now, at the moment

- Past simple:           * to be:                       S + was/were (not) + ...

                                    * ordinary verbs:      S + V2/ed + ...

                                                                        S + didn’t + V-inf+ ... / Did + S + V-inf + ...       

* Adverbs: yesterday, last week, last year...

* Cách đọc đuôi (-ed):       -  /id/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: t,d

                                             - / t/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: f, p,k, s, sh, c, ch, gh

                                             - /d/ là các từ còn lại và nguyên âm.

         - Future with be going to                 S + is/am/are +going  to + V-inf...                                                                                                            S  + shall / will (‘ll)     +  V-inf ….

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  1. ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP TẾNG ANH 7 HỌC KÌ II A. GRAMMAR: 1. Tenses: - Present simple: * to be: S + is/am/are + * ordinary verbs: S + V/ Vs/es + * Adverbs: everyday, every morning , always, usually, often, sometimes, never - Present progressive: S + is/am/are + V-ing + * Adverbs: now, at the moment - Past simple: * to be: S + was/were (not) + * ordinary verbs: S + V2/ed + S + didn’t + V-inf+ / Did + S + V-inf + * Adverbs: yesterday, last week, last year * Cách đọc đuôi (-ed): - /id/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: t,d - / t/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: f, p,k, s, sh, c, ch, gh - /d/ là các từ còn lại và nguyên âm. - Future with be going to S + is/am/are +going to + V-inf S + shall / will (‘ll) + V-inf . can/could - Modal verbs: S + must + V - inf have to ought to/ should 2. Question words: What, Where, When, Which, Why, How often, How much, How many, How long, How far Ex: How much is it? (Hỏi về giá tiền) hỏi về số lượng: How much + Nkhông đếm được ? How many + Nđếm được số nhiều ? 3. Prepositions of time: in, on, at, from to / at the back of/ between and / either or Ex: at six o’clock/ on Monday/ in February 4. Adjectives and adverbs: a) Adj + ly adv: beautiful - beautifully ; quick – quickly ; safe - safely ; bad- badly b) Adj 2 âm tiết kết thúc bằng “ y” chuyển sang trạng từ phải đổi “ y” “ ily”: easy- easily, happy- happily c) Adj kết thúc = “ ble” chuyển thành “ bly”: sensible - sensibly; simple- simply, comfortable - comfortably d) Một số Adj chuyển sang adv không đổi: fast- fast; hard – hard; late –late; early – early
  2. 10. Indefinite quantifiers: a little, a lot of / lots of, too much Everybody, everything, nobody, no one, nothing → is/ does/ has - More: nhiều hơn + Danh từ - Less: ít hơn + N ko đếm được - Fewer: ít hơn + N đếm được Eg: Now, there are more eggs and juice. There is less milk. There is fewer bananas. 11. Hỏi khoảng cách - How far is it from your house to your school ? => It’s 500 meters. Form: How far is/are + S+ from + N + to + N ? It is + số + meters/kilometers. 12. Giới từ Near: gần beside = next to: bên cạnh between: ở giữa opposite: đối diện To the right: bên phải to the left: bên trái 13. Why?(Tại sao) -> Because + S + V. Eg: Why does his tooth hurt? Because he has a cavity. 14. Hỏi cân nặng: What is his/her weight? = How heavy is she / he? What are your weight? = How heavy are you? 15. Hỏi chiều cao: How tall are you? = What are your height? How tall is she/he? = What is her/ his height? 16. Hỏi nơi học: Which school does he/she go to? Which school do you go to? 17. Hỏi về tình trạng sức khỏe: What is(was) wrong with you? // What is(was) the matter with you? -> I had a bad cold, a toothache , headache, . 18. Hỏi về tuổi What is his / her age? = How old is he / she ? What is your age ? = How old are you ? 19. Structure “ Prefer”
  3. -> How about ___? 8. Hoa likes reading book better than playing video game. -> Hoa prefers___ 9. Michael is a skillful basketball player -> Michael plays ___ 10. Why don’t we go to the movies this weekend ? ->What about___ V/ Choose the correct word to fill in each blank : 1/ He is a good football player. He plays . (bad / well ) 2/ It is an flower. (beautiful/beautifully) 3/ He never has accidents because he always drives___ (careful / carefully) 4/ It is too dark to see . (clear / clearly) 5/ Michael is a skillful basketball player. He plays basketball ___ ( skillful/ skillfully) 6/ He drove . (careless / carelessly) VI. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences 1. Would you like___ table tennis, Nam? A. to play B. playing C. plays D. played 2. They prfer reading ___ watching TV. A. than B. more than C. to D. in 3. I didn’t like the film. - ___ A. They did, either B.They didn’t, too C. So did they D. Neither did they 4. We didn’t ___ to Hoa’s birthday party last week. A. go B. went C. going D. to go 5.We like together. A to tal B.talking C.talked D. talk 6.Did Liz buy any in Nha Trang ? A. souvenirs B.vacations C.stall D.aquarium 7.He come here last night A.doesn’t B.won’t C.didn’t D.isn’t 8 did you see her? – Yesterday morning A.When B.Where C.What time D.What 9. Don’t eat too candy A. lots of B.many C. more D.much 10. Are you scared seeing the dentist? A.of B.in C .bofore D.at 11.Remember Your teeth after meals A. brush B.to brush C. brushing D. brushes 12.She looks tired. What’s the with her? A. happen B. wrong C. matter D. right 13. I need Your height A.measure in B.to measure C.measure D.measured 14.How is Nga ?- She is 36 kilos A.high B.weight C. heavy D.tall 15 you lend me your pen , please?
  4. 1. Ba didn’t have to go the doctor 2. He had fish, rice and soup for dinner. 3. Ba’s parents ate spinach. 4. The spinach could make Ba sick. 4.Read the passage and answer the questions below. Yesterday, Hoa had a medical check-up. First she filled in the medical record and waited in the waiting room. After a few minutes, the nurse called Hoa’s name and took Hoa to the doctor’s office. The doctor asked Hoa a few questions. Then she weighed Hoa and measured her height. After that she took Hoa’s temperature. Next, she listened to Hoa’s heart. Then she checked Hoa’s eyes and ears. Everything was normal. Finally, Hoa left the office. She felt very happy. *Questions: 1) When did Hoa have a medical check-up ? ___ 2) What did she do first ? ___ 3) What did the doctor do before she weighed and measured Hoa? ___ 4) How did Hoa feel when she left the office ? ___ The end
  5. 1. Read the passage and complete the passage with the most suitable words. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 3. Read the passage and Write True(T) or False (F) 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 4. Read the passage and answer the questions below 1. Hoa had a medical check-up yesterday. 2. She filled in the medical record first. 3. The doctor asked Hoa a few questions before she weighed Hoa and measured her. 4. Hoa felt very happy when she left the office. The end