Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 9 - Unit 5: The media

-V (to be, khiếm khuyết)        Viết lại V(ở phần đuôi)

-Have/has ( thì HTHT)              Viết lại have, has

-V thường,have to,has to       Mượn do/does/did

-Câu khẳng định                       Câu phủ định

-Câu phủ định                           Câu khẳng định

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  1. Unit 5 THE MEDIA
  2. Examples about tag questions: 1/ They are easy for you ., ?aren’t they 2/ Hoa hasn’t lived in the city recently., ?has she 3/You have breakfast at home , ?.don’t you
  3. Unit 5: Language focus I. Tag questions (câu hỏi đuôi): -V (to be, khiếm khuyết) Viết lại V(ở phần đuôi) -Have/has ( thì HTHT) Viết lại have, has -V thường,have to,has to Mượn do/does/did -Câu khẳng định Câu phủ định -Câu phủ định Câu khẳng định
  4. Unit 5: Language focus Exercise 1: Complete the dialogues with the correct tag: a. Jim: You have read this article on the website,(0) . .?haven’t you Lina: Not yet. b. Minh: Baird produced the first TV picture in 1926, (1) ?didn’t he Thao: Yes, he did. c. Thu: A daily newspaper was published in Germany in 1550, ( 2) . ?wasn’t it Tri: No, it wasn’t. It was in 1650. d. Ha: You don’t like playing computer games,(3) ?do you Thanh: Yes, I do. But I don’t have much time for it. e. Mai: We are going to have cable TV soon,(4) ?aren’t we Thang: Yes, I think so.
  5. Unit 5: Language focus Exercies 2. Ask and answer questions about television programs these people like and dislike. Use tag questions. Key: ✓= like = do not like a) A: Tuan likes news, doesn’t he ? b) A:?Mai and Anh don’t like news, do they? B: No, they don’t. B: Yes, he does Programs Tuan Hanh Mai Anh 1 News ✓ News ✓ News News 2 Movies ✓ Movies ✓ Movies 3 Music ✓ Music Music Music 4 Sports ✓ Sports ✓ 5 Quizzes ✓ ✓ Quizzes 6 Games Games Games ✓ Games 7 English Lessons ✓ English lessons 8 Cartoons ✓ Cartoons ✓ Cartoons
  6. Unit 5: Language focus II/Gerunds: ( danh động từ) love like enjoy S + dislike + V-ing hate
  7. Unit 5: Language focus II/Gerunds: Exercise 4: Ex. My father / like / watch / sports /but / my mother / not // she / love / listen / music. My father likes watching sports but my mother doesn’t. She loves listening to music. * Writing in groups: 1. My brother / enjoy / play / games but / my sister not // She / like / read / books. 2. My uncle / love / read / advertisements / but / my aunt / not // She / love / write / letters. 3. My friend Nam / hate / play / tennis / but / he / love / play / soccer. 4. I myself / dislike / chat / friends / but / I / love / go / shopping.
  8. #1 Do you like to music? A: listening B: listen C: listens D: listened
  9. #3 She doesn’t like playing games, ? A: did she B: doesdoes sheshe C: doesn’t she D: hasn’t she
  10. #5 My mother enjoys TV in her free time. A: watch B: watches C: to watch D:watching
  11. #7 Mary is going shopping tomorrow, ? A: doesn’t she B: does she C: is she D: isn’tisn’t she she
  12. #9 Open the door, ? A: will you B: do you C: don’t you D: can you
  13. - Learn tag questions and gerunds - Rewrite 5 sentences using the gerunds and the tag questions - Revision: Structures from unit 1 to unit 5