Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng anh 7 học kì 2


1. Tenses:   

            - Present simple:     * to be:                       S + is/am/are + ...

                                                * ordinary verbs:      S + V/ Vs/es + ...      

* Adverbs: everyday, every morning ..., always, usually, often, sometimes, never

- Present progressive:                               S + is/am/are + V-ing + ...

* Adverbs: now, at the moment

- Past simple:           * to be:                       S + was/were (not) + ...

                                    * ordinary verbs:      S + V2/ed + ...

                                                                        S + didn’t + V-inf+ ... / Did + S + V-inf + ...       

* Adverbs: yesterday, last week, last year...

* Cách đọc đuôi (-ed):      - /id/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: t,d

                                             - / t/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: f, p,k, s, sh, c, ch, gh

                                             - /d/ là các từ còn lại và nguyên âm.

doc 6 trang lananh 15/03/2023 2020
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  1. ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP TẾNG ANH 7 HỌC KÌ II A. GRAMMAR: 1. Tenses: - Present simple: * to be: S + is/am/are + * ordinary verbs: S + V/ Vs/es + * Adverbs: everyday, every morning , always, usually, often, sometimes, never - Present progressive: S + is/am/are + V-ing + * Adverbs: now, at the moment - Past simple: * to be: S + was/were (not) + * ordinary verbs: S + V2/ed + S + didn’t + V-inf+ / Did + S + V-inf + * Adverbs: yesterday, last week, last year * Cách đọc đuôi (-ed): - /id/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: t,d - / t/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: f, p,k, s, sh, c, ch, gh - /d/ là các từ còn lại và nguyên âm. - Future with be going to S + is/am/are +going to + V-inf S + shall / will (‘ll) + V-inf . can/could - Modal verbs: S + must + V - inf have to ought to/ should 2. Question words: What, Where, When, Which, Why, How often, How much, How many, How long, How far Ex: How much is it? (Hỏi về giá tiền) hỏi về số lượng: How much + Nkhông đếm được ? How many + Nđếm được số nhiều ? 3. Prepositions of time: in, on, at, from to / at the back of/ between and / either or Ex: at six o’clock/ on Monday/ in February 4. Adjectives and adverbs: a) Adj + ly adv: beautiful - beautifully ; quick – quickly ; safe - safely ; bad- badly b) Adj 2 âm tiết kết thúc bằng “ y” chuyển sang trạng từ phải đổi “ y” “ ily”: easy- easily, happy- happily c) Adj kết thúc = “ ble” chuyển thành “ bly”: sensible - sensibly; simple- simply, comfortable - comfortably
  2. 9. Modals: Can, must = have / has to + V , may, might, could, should, ought to + V 10. Indefinite quantifiers: a little, a lot of / lots of, too much Everybody, everything, nobody, no one, nothing → is/ does/ has - More: nhiều hơn + Danh từ - Less: ít hơn + N ko đếm được - Fewer: ít hơn + N đếm được Eg: Now, there are more eggs and juice. There is less milk. There is fewer bananas. 11. Hỏi khoảng cách - How far is it from your house to your school ? => It’s 500 meters. Form: How far is/are + S+ from + N + to + N ? It is + số + meters/kilometers. 12. Giới từ Near: gần beside = next to: bên cạnh between: ở giữa opposite: đối diện To the right: bên phải to the left: bên trái 13. Why?(Tại sao) -> Because + S + V. Eg: Why does his tooth hurt? Because he has a cavity. 14. Hỏi cân nặng: What is his/her weight? = How heavy is she / he? What are your weight? = How heavy are you? 15. Hỏi chiều cao: How tall are you? = What are your height? How tall is she/he? = What is her/ his height? 16. Hỏi nơi học: Which school does he/she go to? Which school do you go to? 17. Hỏi về tình trạng sức khỏe: What is(was) wrong with you? // What is(was) the matter with you? -> I had a bad cold, a toothache , headache, . 18. Hỏi về tuổi What is his / her age? = How old is he / she ? What is your age ? = How old are you ? 19. Structure “ Prefer”
  3. 2.She likes to take part on the contest in stead of watching it. A B C D 3. You should listen careful to your teacher A B C D 4.They usually go for a walk in Sunday mornings A B C D 5. It say on her medical record that she‘s 40 kilos A B C D III/READING a/Complete the passage. Use the words in the box. busy slow eco-friendly ( an toàn cho môi trường) cheap Ho Chi Minh city has a big traffic problem. There are millions of motorbikes and many cars . The roads are too small and too (1) . Buses are more (2) because they can carry more passengers, but they can be (3) Traffice is a serious problem in Ho Chi Minh city.One solution to this problem is the subway,which is being built and will open in 2020. It is fast and it will make the city more eco-friendly because it can carry thousands of passengers everyday. It is expensive to build, but the tickets will be (4) Traveling by subway will help Ho Chi Minh city solve the traffic problem. b/Read the paragraphs again and write True(T) or False(F). 1.There are too many cars and motorbikes in Ho Chi Minh City . 2.Buses cannot carry many people. 3.The subway costs a lot of money to build. 4.The subway is fast and eco-friendly. *Read the passage again and answer the questions(1m): Yesterday, Ba had to go to the doctor because of an awful stomachache.The doctor asked Ba some questions. He told her that he had fish, rice and soup for dinner.He also ate som spinach, but his parents didn’t. The doctor said that the spinach could make him sick.Vegetables often have dirt from the farm on them.The dirt can make people sick.She said that he should wash vegetables carefully.And she gave Ba some medicine to make him feel better. a/Read the passage and Write True(T) or False (F). 1. Ba went to the doctor 2. He had fish, rice and soup for dinner. b/Read the passage again and answer the questions. 1/Why did Ba have to go to the doctor? 2/What did he have for dinner? . 3/Did his parents eat any spinach?