Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy


I. Aims

1. Skill : Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

2. Language 

                        a. Structure :   Make suggestions

S + suggest + V-ing

S + suggestion + S + should + Vo

b. Vocabulary: a plumber, a water bill, a crack, a dripping faucet, a pipe, enormous

II. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson STS will be able to  know the ways to save energy.

III. Techniques : 

            Individual work, pair work, group work, picture drill,  Noughts and crosses

IV. Teaching aids: 

     -Ss’ and Teacher’s books, projector, laptop

V. Teaching steps   

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy

  1. Week: 23 Preparing Date: 13/01/2019 Period: 45 Teaching Date : 26/01/2019 Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY Competences Language focus - Show concern - Connectives: and, but, because, or, so, - Give and respond to suggestions therefore, however - Seek information - Phrasal verbs - Write a speech - Make suggestions: S+ suggest + V-ing S+ suggest (that) + S + should + Vo Lesson 1 : GETTING STARTED - LISTEN AND READ + LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 I. Aims 1. Skill : Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing 2. Language a. Structure : Make suggestions S + suggest + V-ing S + suggestion + S + should + Vo b. Vocabulary: a plumber, a water bill, a crack, a dripping faucet, a pipe, enormous II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson STS will be able to know the ways to save energy. III. Techniques : Individual work, pair work, group work, picture drill, Noughts and crosses IV. Teaching aids: -Ss’ and Teacher’s books, projector, laptop V. Teaching steps Time Procedure & Content Teacher’s and students’activities 5’ * Warm up ( Getting started ) Teacher shows the pictures, asks students to answer the questions then make a list of things the family could do to save energy in pairs. Are the TV and the stereo on? Who is watching the TV? Are the lights still burning? What happens to the faucets? What could we do to save energy? - Turn off the faucets after using. - Turn off the TV or the stereo when no one is watching it or listening to it. - Turn off the lights if they aren’t necessary.
  2. III. Language focus 3 (p.64): Make suggestions b) Your friend wants to improve his/ b) Your friend wants to improve his/ her English. The following ideas may help you. her English. The following ideas may Example: - work harder on your pronunciation → I suggest that you should work harder on your help you. pronunciation. - Teachers asks students to make S + suggest (that) + S + should + V-infinitive suggestions with: - write sentences with new words - speak English in class S+ suggest (that) + S + should + Vo - buy a good dictionary - do some reading everyday - Teacher gives feedback. Answer key III. Language focus 3 (p.64): Make suggestions b) Your friend wants to improve his/ her English. The following ideas may help you. Example: - work harder on your pronunciation → I suggest that you should work harder on your pronunciation. S + suggest (that) + S + should + V-infinitive - write sentences with new words I suggest you should write sentences with new words. - speak English in class I suggest you should speak English in class. 10’ IV. Listen and read: IV. Listen and read: - Teacher sets the scene: “Mrs.Mi is talking with her neighbor, Mrs. Ha. Mrs. Ha looks worried.” Mrs. Mi Mrs. Ha Mrs. Mi is talking with her neighbor, Mrs. Ha. IV. Listen and read: - Teacher asks students to close the Listen to the conversation between Mrs. Mi and Mrs. Ha and choose the best answer. book, listen to the conversation and 1. What are they talking about? choose the best answer. A. The electrical bill B. The menu bill C. The water bill - Students listen to the conversation then 2. How is the bill? – It’s . give their answer. A. as usual B. enormous C. less than usual
  3. 7’ Game: Noughts and crosses 3 - Teacher divides the class into 2 teams. 1 2 - Students play the game. 6 4 5 9 7 8 1. Choose the best answer: I suggest lessons to poor children. A. should give B. giveing C. you give D. giving 2. Make suggestions: turn off the faucets after using → I suggest we should turn off the faucets after using. 3. Make suggestions with V-ing: help elderly people and war invalids with their chores → I suggest helping elderly people and war invalids with their chores. 4. Choose the best answer: Mrs. Ha should .the amount of water her family uses to save water. A. reduce B. use more C. reuse D. recycle 5. Answer the question: How much is the water bill? → It’s 200,000 dong. 6. Make suggestions: buy a good dictionary → I suggest you should buy a good dictionary. 7. Answer the question: Why does Mrs. Mi suggest taking showers? → Because baths use twice as much water as showers . 8. Choose the best answer: Mrs. Mi suggests getting a to check cracks in the pipes. A. mechanic B. plumber C. worker D. engineer 9. Answer the question: How many liters of water can a dripping faucet can waste a month? → It can waste 500 liters of water a month. 2’ - Teacher asks students to answer the What should we do to save energy at home? question.