Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng anh lớp 6

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doc 11 trang lananh 20/03/2023 2060
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  1. Taøi lieäu boài döôõng hoïc sinh gioûi Tiếng Anh lôùp 6 TENSES S + V(s-es) S + don’t/ doesn’t +V Do/Does + S+V ? Everyday, usually, after Present 1 1 (be): am- is- are S+ am not/ isn’t/ aren’t Am/Is/Are + S+ ? school, never, often, simple sometimes, always, Now, at the present, at the Present moment, at this time, S + am/is/are + V-ing S+am/is/are(not)+V-ing Am/ Is/Are +S+V-ing? progressive Look! Listen, !Be careful!. Hurry up! Give the correct form of these verbs: 1. The sun (set) in the West. 2. It usually (rain) in the summer. 3. They (build) . 4. Bees (make) honey. 5. They (get) on the scale now. 6. The earth (circle) the Sun once every 365 days. 7. Rivers usually (flow) to the sea. 8. Don’t worry. I (give) him your message when I (see) him. 9. Look! Jane (play) the guitar. Hurry up! The bus (come) . 10. I (not talk) to her at present. 11. How often she (go) fishing? - She (go) once a year. 12. your friends (be) students? -Yes, they (be) 13. the children (play) in the park at the moment? -No, they aren’t. They (learn) to play the piano. 14. .you (go) to school on Sundays? – Yes, I do. 15. My mother (cook) a meal now. She ( cook) everyday. 16. What your mother (do) . at this time? - She (make) a dress. 17. she often (go) to the cinema every weekend? 18. I don’t know. But she always (go) to the church on Sundays. 19. The students (not be) in class at present. 20. She always (wash) the dishes after meals. 21. I (do) an exercise on the present tenses at this moment and I (think) that I (know) how to use it now. 22. My mother sometimes (buy) vegetables at this market. 23. It (rain) much in summer. It (rain) now. 24. Daisy (cook) some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook) in the morning. PARTS OF SPEECH OF WORD FORMS I. Danh töø (Nouns): 1
  2. a. Boå nghóa cho tính töø: A very beautiful girl b. Boå nghóa cho ñoäng töø: walk slowly; study hard; play well c. Boå nghóa cho traïng töø: walk very slowly; study so hard; play quite well WORD FORM 1. NOUN VERB ADJ PARTICIPLE ADV NOTE Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Phân từ trạng từ Nghĩa 2. Anger Angry Angrily Giaän 3. Attraction Attract Attractive Attracted Attractively Haáp daãn 4. Beauty Beautify Beautiful Beautifully Ñeïp 5. Business Busy Busily Baän vieäc 6. Care/ ful/ ness Care Careful/ less Carefully/ lessly Caån thaän 7. Center Central Centrally Trung taâm 8. Collection Collect Collective Thu thaäp 9. Curiosity Curious Curiously Toø moø 10. Danger Endanger Dangerous Dangerously Nguy hieåm 11. Death Die Dead Cheat 12. Depth (ñoä saâu) Deepen (laøm) Deep Deeply Saâu 13. Difference Differ Different Differently Khaùc nhau 14. Difficulty Difficult Difficultly Khoù khaên 15. Excitement Excite exciting Excited/ ing Excitingly Haøo höùng 16. Friend/ - ship Friendly Baïn beø 17. Fluency Fluent Fluently Troâi chaûy 18. Harm Harm (gaây haïi) Harmful/ less Harmlully/lessly Haïi 19. Happiness Happy Happily Haïnh phuùc 20. Health Healthy Healthily Maïnh khoeû 21. Invention Invent Inventory Phaùt minh 22. Laziness Lazy Lazily Löôøi bieáng 23. Length Lengthen Long Daøi 24. Nation/ ality Nationalize National Nöôùc/ qtòch 25. Nature Naturalize Natural Naturally Töï nhieân 26. Pollution Pollute Polluted OÂ nhieãm 27. Practice Practice Practical Practically Thöïc haønh 28. Prevention Prevent Preventable Ngaên caûn 29. Reason Reason Reasonable Reasonably Lyù do 30. Science/ Scientist Scientific Scientifically Khoa hoïc 31. Strength Strengthen Strong Strongly Maïnh 32. Success Succeed Successful Successfully Thaønh coâng 33. Warmth Warn Warm Warmly AÁm aùp 34. Width Widen Wide Widely Roäng 35. Wonder Wonder Wonderful Wonderfully Kì dieäu 3
  3. 25. Ha Long Bay is a . Bay. Wonder ADVERB CLAUSES OF TIME & REASON A. ADVERD CLAUSES OF TIME: Laø meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian baét ñaàu caùc lieân töø When, while, after/ before, as (khi), until (ñeán khi ) S +V+ When/ while/ after/ before/ as/until + S + V Chæ töông lai: When he comes tomorrow, we will welcome him. Chæ hieän taïi: When it’s hot, I go swimming. / As I come, he is eating. B. ADVERD CLAUSES OF REASON: Laø meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ lyù do hay nguyeân nhaân baét ñaàu caùc lieân töø: because/ since/ as (bôûi vì) S + V + because/ since/ as + S + V Mr. Ba is late because/ since/ as she oversleeps. Because Lan and Ba don’t have a tent, they never go camping. C. Join two sentences into one, use because/ since/ as: 1. Lan and Ba never go camping. , so they don’t have a tent 2. I stay at home. It rains. 3. Tan is late for school. He misses the bus. 4. The weather is fine. We have a picnic on the mountain. 5. I don’t have a bike, so I walk. 6. Nhan is free, so he flies his kites. D. Join two sentences into one, use when/ while/ after/ before/ as/until: 1. It is warm. I go fishing. (when) 2. My father is eating. My mother cooks. (while) 3. I take a bath first. Then I eat. (before) 4. Mr. Quang waits for the farmer. The farmer comes. (until) 5. He will come tomorrow. We will welcome him. (When) 6. You will go the museum. You will see a lot of valuable pictures. (When) ARTICLES 5
  4. say it the first sound is /y/ which is a consonant: pub. The Englishman ordered a bitter; the Irishman uniform is pronounced ‘/junɪfɔːm/ so we say a ordered a Guiness and the Scotsman ordered a whisky. uniform The first time we mention the noun we use the indefinite One word which is often confused is hotel. Some article and from then on we use the definite article. people pronounce this word as /həʊˈtɛl/ so they would Known Reference write: If both speakers know what they are talking about they a hotel. But other people pronounce this word as can use the even though the noun may not have been /əʊˈtɛl/ and so they would write: an hotel mentioned before. In other words, it is implied that the ❖ The Zero Article does not exist. It is a useful noun has already been mentioned. term to use when describing how to use articles. Excuse me, do you know what the time is? Essentially when we talk about the zero article, we Where's the toilet? mean that we don’t use any article in front of a noun. In these examples, the speaker assumes that the listener For example, when we use a noun with a preposition, knows what is being talked about. we often do not use an article (that is, we just use the Miscellanous In addition, the is used in the following noun on its own): special circumstances I went to school but left my books at home. Mother Exceptions include: the Hague; the Matterhorn; the was in church and father at sea; Grandfather came to Mall; the White House, the United States of America dinner later by train and Grandmother managed to We use the definite article - the - when we talk about a escape from prison to join us. singular or plural noun which refers to a particular When we talk about an institution, we use the zero member of a a group. article. In this example the group is all men; we want to reference a particular man so we say: The man in the hat. Compare this with the indefinite article which refers to any man in the group: A man in a hat. parts of day/night midnight, midday, noon, night days Monday, Tuesday superlatives the highest, the biggest, the oldest festivals Easter ordinals the third man, the sixth wife seasons & months Winter, February oceans, seas the Pacific, the Black Sea the wheel, the internal combustion years 1961, 1995, 2000 inventions engine the Queen, the President, the buildings Buckingham Palace, number 10 titles chairperson Acacia Avenue, Pall Mall, streets rivers & canals the Thames, the Nile, the Suez Sunset Boulevard the Sheraton, the Red Lion, the airports Heathrow, Gatwick public buildings Natural History Museum London, New York, Tokyo, The Independent, The Daily Mirror, cities & towns newspapers Sydney, Cairo The Times mountains Everest, K2, Mont Blanc families the Browns, the Bushes countries of the United States, the United Arab countries America, Britain, Arabia union Emirates He is an artist and his wife is a continents Africa, Asia, America, Europe jobs plumber. He is a Buddhist and his wife is an beliefs atheist. people Joe, Mrs Smith ships the Bismarck, the Lusitanian magazines Cosmopolitan, Time mountain chains the Alps, the Highlands games football, tennis, bar billiards instruments the piano, the bag pipes He is an American and she is a nationalities Swede. 7
  5. 3. S + V + O + adv ( watch, read, meet, make, see) He watched T.V every night. 4. S + V + O + C (make, elect, declare, consider ) We made Frank armchair. ( think, believe, find) I find the lesson too boring. (keep, make, let, have) Sad movie makes me cry. (regard, recognize, appoint, consider) They regard him as an excellent player. 5. S + V + I.O + D.O = S + V + D.O+ to/ for + I.O Mary teaches me English.= He teaches English to me (give, teach, show, award, offer, lend +to // buy, make+ My mother bought me a hat. = She bought it for me for) 6. S + V + prep + O (look at, wait for, cope with, rely I have been waiting for you for an hour. on, depend on, complain/talk about, smile at ) He looks at himself in the mirror. 7. S + V + prep + O = S + V + O (pro) + prep He puts on his shoes. = He puts them on. (put on/off, take off, turn on /off, throw away, see off I turn on the light, and then I turn it off. 8. S + V + O + noun clause I can understand what you said. (learn, know, show, discover, decide, understand ) He showed me where the bank was. 9. There (be) + noun + prep phrase There is some water in the jar. There were many students in the yard. EXPRESSIONS OF QUALITY 1 - SOME: Trong caâu khaúng ñònh/ lôøi môøi: - Duøng vôùi danh töø soá ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc vaø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc: Ex: I like some milk. Would you like some milk? 2 - ANY: Trong caâu phuû ñònh vaø nghi vaán - Duøng vôùi danh töø soá ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc vaø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc: Ex: I don’t like any milk. Do you like any milk? * Caùc ñaïi töø someone, somebody, something, noone, nothing, nobody, anyone, anything, anybody, everyone, everything, everybody cuõng duøng theo caùch treân. Chuù yù No = Not + any: nobody = not any body 3. MANY / A LARGE NUMBER OF/ A GREAT NUMBER OF/: (nhieàu) Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc: Ex: He has many books. Ex: A large number of students in our school are good. 4. MUCH / A LARGE AMOUNT OF/ A GREAT DEAL OF /: (nhieàu) Duøng vôùi danh töø soá ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc: Ex: He has much time to play. Ex: A large amount of * How much/ How many cuõng duøng theo caùch treân: Ex: How many eggs does she want? - She wants a dozen eggs. Ex: How much beef do you want? - I want 200grams of beef. 5. PLENTY OF/ A LOT OF / LOTS OF (nhieàu) Duøng vôùi danh töø ñeám ñöôïc vaø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc: Ex: He has plenty of books. Ex: He has plenty of time to play. * Very/ too/ so/ as + many/ much + noun Ex: There is too much bad news on T.V tonight 6. FEW / A FEW/ LITTLE / A LITTLE: (ít, moät ít, moät vaøi) A. FEW: (raát ít yù phuû ñònh) C. LITTLE: (raát ít yù phuû ñònh) + Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc + Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc Ex: I feel lonely because I have a few friends there. Ex: I have very little time for reading. B. A FEW: (moät vaøi yù khaúng ñònh) D. A LITTLE: (moät ít, moät chuùt yù khaúng ñònh) + Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ nhieàu ñeám ñöôïc + Duøng vôùi danh töø soáâ ít khoâng ñeám ñöôïc 9