Bài giảng Tiếng anh 8 - Unit 7: My Neighborhood - Lesson 1: Getting Started – Listen and Read

Nam:  Hi. My name’s Nam.

Na:   Hello. Nice to meet you, Nam. I’m Na.

Nam:  Are you new around here?

Na:  Yes.

Nam:  I’m sure you’ll like this neighborhood.

Na:  I hope so.

Nam:  Oh,

Na:  You must know the area very well.

Nam:  I do.

Na:  Is there a restaurant close by? My mother is too tired to cook tonight.

Nam:  There is one just around the corner.

Na:  What is the food like?

Nam:  It’s very good. We like to eat there. It serves Hue food and the pancakes are delicious. You should try them.

Na:  I will. Thanks. 


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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng anh 8 - Unit 7: My Neighborhood - Lesson 1: Getting Started – Listen and Read

  1. Welcome The Teachers to attend our class.
  2. GETTING STARTED. Match the names of places found in a neighborhood with the pictures. 1.grocery store 3.hairdresser’s 5.drugstore 2.swimming-pool 4.stadium 6.wet market a) b) c) d) e) f)
  3. Unit 7. MY NEIGHBORHOOD Lesson 1. Getting started - Listen and read 1. New words. 2. serve 1. close by 3.pancake 4. tasty 5. area
  4. II. Questions: 1. How long has Nam lived there? For about 10 years. 2. Where does Na want to go? To a restaurant. 3.Is there a restaurant in the neighborhood ? Yes, there is. BH
  5. *. Practice the dialogue with a partner Nam: Hi. My name’s Nam. Na: Hello. Nice to meet you, Nam. I’m Na. Nam: Are you new around here? Na: Yes. We’ve been here since last week. Nam: I’m sure you’ll like this neighborhood. Na: I hope so. How long have you lived here? Nam: Oh, we’ve lived here for about 10 years. Na: You must know the area very well. Nam: I do. Na: Is there a restaurant close by? My mother is too tired to cook tonight. Nam: There is one just around the corner. Na: What is the food like? Nam: It’s very good. We like to eat there. It serves Hue food and the pancakes are delicious. You should try them. Na: I will. Thanks.
  6. V. Grammar: * The present perfect with for and since Ex: We have studied English for about 6 years. We have studied English since 2014. 1.Form: S + have/has + Past Participle(v-ed / v3)
  7. *. Listen and read Nam: Hi. My name’s Nam. Na: Hello. Nice to meet you, Nam. I’m Na. Nam: Are you new around here? Na: Yes. We’ve been here since last week. Nam: I’m sure you’ll like this neighborhood. Na: I hope so. How long have you lived here? Nam: Oh, we’ve lived here for about 10 years. Na: You must know the area very well. Nam: I do. Na: Is there a restaurant close by? My mother is too tired to cook tonight. Nam: There is one just around the corner. Na: What is the food like? Nam: It’s very good. We like to eat there. It serves Hue food and the pancakes are delicious. You should try them. Na: I will. Thanks.
  8. Complete the expressions using since or for 1 fiveforfor minutes. 2 November.since 3 . .1990.since 4 threefor hours. 5 for ten weeks. 6 lastsince Friday.
  9. Friday, December 11th, 2020 UNIT 7 : MY NEIGHBORHOOD LESSON 1: LISTEN & READ * Homework: - Learn the new words by heart. - Practice the dialogue again. - Prepare : Read.